Raymond's Quiet Press

Definitely. Fighting is the noisiest and, for those coming to their first event, the most noticeable activitiy in the Society. However many, if not most, of our members have never lifted a sword, and are interested in the many other aspects of Mediaeval life. Each local SCA group has a Mistress or Master of the Arts and Sciences, and they are responsible for encouraging and advising people who are interested in historic arts and advising people who are interested in historic arts and technology. Mediaeval arts would include weaving, stained glass, costuming, calligraphy, illumination, music, dance, story-telling, writing, and cooking. Ancient sciences are brewing, herbalogy, printing, armour-making, and contructing a wide variety of early machines, everything from looms to siege engines.

If you would like to study any of these subjects, talk with your Arts and Science officer. We try and arrange classes in whatever skills people show interest in, and newcomers are encouraged to attend these smaller, more informal gatherings. If a number of people show interest in skill in one area, the Arts and Sciences officers may form a Guild or just have regular meetings of sharing and encouragement.

More information on your local groups meetings and activities can be found at



How should I act?


With courtesy and politeness, of course, are you are now a member of the Aristocracy of the Current Middle Ages. In time you will learn the formal titles some people have, but in the meantime just call everyone “My Lord” or “My Lady”, as fellow members of the nobility. And you can relax and be yourself, as we are not acting out roles that don’t’ fit us, but merely becoming the kind of person we might be, in a Mediaeval culture. Stroll across the Tourney grounds or the Revel and join us in the Current Middle Ages.

Written by Brandon Herman — June 30, 2016


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