Welcome to our Monarchy!
I will try to explain who we are and what we are doing. We are part of the Current Middle Ages, a loosely-knit group of people trying to recreate Mediaeval culture and ceremonies. Several thousand people around the world are members of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.
What’s an Anachronism.
An anachronism is a tradition which has outlived it’s original purpose, but which survived just because it’s a lot of fun. That’s probably the best description of our group, since you can make anything you want from it. For some it’s a means of serious research into Mediaeval culture, by trying to re-learn the skills, knowledge and life-style of our ancestors. For others it’s a hobby, a way of relaxing after a normal (“mundane”) day, and an excuse to pursue interests an crafts they never found time for before. For many of us, it’s the most interesting, continuous costume party we’ve ever been to. A few members joined with an interest in history, drama, folklore, but most of us found them dull as traditionally studied.
Who’s that guy with the crown?
He’s the King. Like most Mediaeval Kings, he holds his authority for Right of Arms. Within the SCA the world is divided into kingdoms, and every few months the fighters in each area hold a Tournament to choose the next King. The winner of the Tourney, after a properly regal coronation, reigns over his subjects until a new King is chosen. Each Kingdom is comprised of local groups, which are known as Shires, Cantons, Colleges, Baronies and Principalities, depending on their size.
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